I was involved in a lip sync exercise with my class using
the song ‘All about that Bass’ by Meghan Trainer. It was a case of filming,
choreographing and finally editing the clip together. I began the exercise by
placing myself in front of the camera, which helped me understand how hard it
was to be exactly in time with the song making it look as realistic as
possible. This experience will be very useful for when we move onto the task of
actually creating our own music video, as we will have to create something that
looks professional and not amateur. We had to think carefully about each shot being
taken and using different settings. We had to keep track of how many shots
we had taken in one particular place, meaning that we had to reshoot some shots so that we were guaranteed enough footage for the editing process.
I also had to go behind the camera at one point. Our group
was using a Song FS 100, Song FX3 then the Cannon 5D and these were used to
shoot the other half of my group lip-syncing to the song. I had to create various shots, trying to make it original and interesting to the eye, but
making sure all the actors were in full focus so the picture was clear on the
screen. It is a tricky process as the actors are constantly moving so I had to
follow whilst making sure the camera was positioned in a safe and mobile place,
but still creating a good angled shot. There was one particular roll I did not
get to do, it was called the ‘floor manager’. This job entailed shouting
directions, for example ‘rolling’ and ‘action’ so everyone on set knew when to
start filming so that the music would be perfectly in sync.
The last part of this process is the final editing of the
clips. To do this we moved into the editing studio where in our original group we looked back on all the footage we shot. During the shoot we used three different sets so when reviewing all the footage we grouped the shots from each setting together. Then
we were to sync all our shots and videos with the music, making the task a lot
easier when editing them together. After this process was done we had to choose
different clips that we wanted to use. There was tool called the ‘snipping tool
and this enabled our group to lengthen or shorten footage. After all the footage
we had chosen was edited together we were left with a music video.