Friday 18 November 2016

Shooting Schedule

I edited a shooting schedule together for the cast and actors to follow. I worked out the times - how long it would take to get hair and make-up done for the girls, but we will be setting up while this is going on and making finishing touches so we do not waste time. The whole cast needs to be in school for 8:30 and in the canteen ready for hair and make-up, this will make sure that we start as soon as possible with out wasting time!

Thursday 17 November 2016

Task 3 - CD digipack

This is a quick Prezi that will show you the differences and similarities between Sleigh Bells and Tegan and Sara

Task 2 - Website

Having a website of a music artist is very important it is illustrating to artist in some ways, so in our own website we want to represent the idea of an urban, mysterious style, which links well with the style of music 'noise pop'. We sketched out a rough plan to what our idea would be for the front/home page; ignoring the colours as we are going for dark smoky colours, and as shown a heart in the middle with a crown representing girl empowerment and the four girls drifting around the heart.

There are some key elements that we have added onto the website such as news, gallery, shop, sign up etc. However this is only rough so there are lots of improvements and adjustments that can be made. We need to add in a short bio about the band - details that are ket for getting the audience trapped in and interested. I also had the idea of whenever you enter the website your mouse key should change shape/design to something that is significant to the band for instance the red heart becomes your curser.

I looked at Tegan and Sara's website and I really like the layout of the homepage and how you access the other pages.

 This top image shows the home page, which is a slide show of different picture. The image below is also the home page (a different image this time), i like that idea of not having one set home page image.

The image to the right down the side is shown on the left hand side of their website, this is the menu and it also appears again right and that bottom on the website with all the social media website, which i have shown just below.

This is a screenshot of some of their albums and activities for fans as you can see.

Task 1 - Music Publicity Campaign

I researched similar artist to Sleigh Bells and the two artist Tegan and Sara came up. There music is very similar to the style of our song 'Kids' by Sleigh Bells. I listened to their music and then researched into their albums to see if this style of music continues throughout and it does. When i was looking at their albums i was very interested in their album art work and how they combine both their faces in an abstract way. We could take this element and combine the faces of all our singers.

Also the 'So Jealous' album is similar to the album we have created, heart component and dark colours.

This is the album cover for Grimes, I thought it was very similar to our concept of being creepy but quite simplistic. I think we could take elements from this album artwork and apply it to our music campaign. 


Her album artwork caught my eye as it is so basic however adding the gold glitter from her mouth is an absurd abstract element, which i think we could include somehow. Her music is very similar to our style of noise-pop so i think this could be something we think about, having a simplistic artwork. I really like the font she uses on the album, so this is also an element i think i will look at for our campaign.   

Thursday 10 November 2016

Music Video Shot List

These images are showing the shot list we produced/created for our music video:
It tells you where it will be shot, the number of the shot, shot description, actors and notes.