think the institution that would produce my film would be something like Warner
Bothers. This institution specialises in every type of movie so my thriller
would be well produced. However this company is very large so I feel my movie
may get lost within the stronger movies in this institution. So I believe my
particular film would be smaller than others, which maybe not be a bad thing
but it may not be very successful.
films from Warner Brothers that are similar to mine would be ‘Heat’. It is very
action packed and full of action and suspense.
film I think would follow the institutions ethos because it is a thriller and
warner brothers are good at creating tension. However because Warner Brothers
is a very successful institution all movies are normally high budgeted and I
feel like my particular movie will be a low budgeted movie with some big stars that would catch the audience’s eye. I
think my product would look very good on the warner brothers website because it
would be full of action and power.
think pre-advertising it by creating posters and a trailer would make the money for
this movie. Then once the film has been produced and published to the public
money would hopefully be made by pre ordered tickets and ticket sales. Also
from interviews and DVD sales and anything that has the movie printed onto it
like posters. Also
if the movie came out onto sky movies for example the customers would have to
pay £3 to rent and maybe £8 to buy. I don’t think this movie would be exposed in a big
cinema for example the Imax but it might be shown in smaller cinemas like The
If my film was to be produced I think I would get a budget around £50million or less. As I think this movie would need money for explosives and some special effects.
Brothers is an institution that highlights all types of genres of film.
Normally films made by Warner Brothers are high budgeted however looking on
their website I see a couple films I do not recognise and they have not had a
large budget to produce them.
You have understood and displayed some research across the post. You understand the size of the studio and similar texts, however you need to look at how your thriller would work with the institution, and how they would benefit you more. Develop the points you have made of going with a big studio, if your film is too small, why would they make? Good use of pictures to make this a visual blog.