Saturday, 17 October 2015

Prelim Task - part 2

In our next Prelim task we had to edit the footage we shot the previous week, this was done up in the editing suite. As we had had a previous lesson on editing the process of editing the footage was a lot easier and much more efficient.

Finding what footage we wanted to start with was difficult because we wanted a strong dynamic entrance. I thought it was really helpful to have lots of different shots to chose from and not only the shot given to us on the storyboard, it gave us a lot more variety to choose from. Once we started cutting we came across a few hurdles, for example we cut in a middle of a line so we had to make sure the cut was perfect, so the line the actor was performing was exactly in time with then next cut. This took time but in the end we solved the problem and were happy to carry onto the next footage.

I really enjoyed this lesson because it helped me understand how much time it takes to edit just one scene. I think this process will help me in the future when editing more footage for my thriller.

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