Thursday, 26 November 2015

Minute Meetings

Wednesday 18th November: As a group we have two ideas "The dancer" and the "church setting” and we need to choose which we are going to use for our backup plan and which as our main idea. 

1. Choose our favourite by the end of next lesson.
2. Develop it and think about how it would work as an opening scene.
3. Think about location and practicality.

Thursday 19th November: We have actually changed the location from the church idea to a deserted factory/warehouse, as it had no relevance to the detail we wanted to put in. We have decided we will proceed forward with this idea and have “The dancer” as our backup plan.

1.We need to think about the scene outline.
Friday 20th November: We have planned for next lesson when we will be shooting our "test shoot".  
1. For next lesson we need to allocate people with what they need to bring. Who is bringing the camera and so on. 

Monday 23rd November: We filmed our test shoot in the common room not focusing on mise-en-scene, but on camera angles. We filmed on a simple camera using actors in our group just to give us an idea of what we will need to work on. 

1. Finish editing our test shoot for Thursdays lesson. 
2. Discuss in a group how we can improve the tension for example (through camera angles) 

Monday 30th November: We made a PowerPoint to help us present our final pitch as a group on Thursday. Within that PowerPoint we completed a moon board, which we had been working on, and our test shoot.

1. We need to finalise the pitch and check it over and decide who in our group will present it or if we will all present together.
2. We need to complete our mood board so we can use it as a good visual idea in our pitch.

Tuesday 1st December: We finished working on our mood board. We then started our next project, which is creating a storyboard for our thriller shoot. We have split our group so the artist in our group draws the pictures clearly, enabling the rest of us to work on what camera angles we need in each section of our shoot and write down what lighting we may need as well as the time period of each shot.

1. We need to carry on working on our storyboard as we are only have half of it done we are aiming to have around 30 boxes with a variety of shots in it by the time we finish.

Wednesday 2nd December: As a group we continued working on our storyboard’s. We also went over our pitch one last time before our final pitch tomorrow so that we all know what we have to do.


1. Make sure everyone in our group has a copy of the PowerPoint with our pitch on it.

Tuesday 12th January: Today we focused on getting our set and props arranged. After getting more advice on our idea, we decided to use hand grenades instead of a bomb, as this can look more realistic on film. We also went into the studio to look at where we are filming, and we started ordering the grenade props and bulletproof vest costumes online.

1. Getting everything ordered and organised, planning out our revised scene outline

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