Saturday 12 March 2016

Evaluation Part 4

This video is showing the results we got from asking a selection of people with a variety of ages and gender so we collect a much broader response of answers. It involves two 15-20 year old boys, two 15-20 year old girl, one woman and one man aged between 21-39, two woman aged 40+ and also two men 40+.

This chart shows the results we collect from the video above. This separates the information given and helps us view the information easily.

These are some screen shots and a link to the facebook account I created based on our founded target market. This Facebook profile is representing a Man 40+ who enjoys thriller. Here are some screenshots of the profile I made:

The opening timeline for my made-up facebook profile. 

This screenshot is showing the films the created profile user would enjoy watching.

Showing background information about the profile user. 

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