Wednesday 19 October 2016

My Groups Animatics

I filmed a video of each frame on our storyboard with Genny then imported the footage onto iMovie to create an animatic. This created a rough version of our music video so we get an idea of how it will turn out with the different shots. We cut the footage together with our choice of song 'kids' by Sleigh Bells, taking care to synchronies each shot with the correct part of the track. I think this is a good start to the animatic but it think we could improve it by adding a lot more shots at various angles etc.

An animatic storyboard is a graphic organiser in the form of images/illustrations shown in a sequence used to visualise a motion picture. This has really helped us as it allowed our group to view what we have so far and what needs changing or adding also what the video will potentially look like in the end.

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