Monday 13 March 2017

Evaluation Task 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

 As a group we discussed all the individual online technologies that we focused on/tried in our A2 year. I think the most important technology that we used in A2 was Adobe Premier Pro (editing software), as this allowed us to final combine on the shots together in a fast cut upbeat version. I have tried to used and experiment with new and more complex technologies, which may improve my campaign. More of these examples are listed on the spider diagram below:

I have then defined some of these points on the following sheets:

As this work continues will help me develop my skills of using more styles of technology and I will continue this onto my campaign so it looks more visually pleasing. Using all these different technologies has helped me link together the 3 elements in my campaign some how. 

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