Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Audience Profiling

Audience Profiling in the music industry is the way that academics and institutions discuss what people like different types of music styles. Demographic segregation is when people are divided into groups by looking at their age, race, sexuality and gender.

During our lesson my production group spoke about using the VAL's method to segregate the views for 'Kids' by Sleigh Bells. VAL stands for Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles.

Teenage VAL's:

Trendies - they crave the attention and admiration of their peers.
Puritans - who wish to feel virtuous
Innovators - who wish to make their mark
Rebels - who wish to remark the world in their own image
Groupies: who just want to be accepted
Drifters - who are not sure what they want
Drop Outs - who shun commitment of any kind
Traditionalists - who want things to stay as they are
Utopians - who want the world to be a better place
Cynics - who have to have something to complain about
Cowboys - who want easy money

After my group read through all of these possibilities for an audience member Genny and I created a Myspace account for a fictional person who we thought would fit perfectly for the demographics - VAL's for our Sleigh Bells 'Kids' music video idea.


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